Review: Forever
Title: Forever (The Wolves of Mercy Falls #3)
Author: Maggie Stiefvater
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Genres: Romance, YA, Fantasy.
Where Acquired: I bought this book.
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Goodreads Description:
Sam has always loved Grace. As a wolf, he watched her from afar. As a boy, he held her in his arms.
Now facing the possibility of a life without her, he will do anything to keep her safe. Even if it means facing his demons. Even if it risks everything he has.
Anything, as long as their love can survive...
My Review:
This book is deep. it is full of emotion and thoughts and very sweet. However that is not all that it is, it is also a book of action and thrilling, twisting plot lines that will leave you on the edge of your seat. In this brilliant conclusion to the series grace finally becomes a wolf and for once a near human Sam has to worry and wait for her. the introduction of Isabelle's and Cole's relationship was great as it was rather love/hate for the majority of the novel due to both characters fiery personalities, however they were clearly made for each other so you find yourself routing them on anyway. The emotional strength and bravery shown by every protagonist in this novel is inspiring, and it great to see how the characters have grown since the beginning of this series. I hate endings of series as it is horrible to leave the world that you have loved for a while, but Maggie did her job perfectly. The rescue of the wolves, romance and drama made this last wolves of mercy falls novel unforgettable. I do have one negative however, i found the ending a little sudden and i think this novel could have done with an epilogue. It is so annoying that we will never know if the Cure works on Grace, if she and Sam ever get married, if they go to college, if his music takes off or if Cole and Isabelle's relationship survived or even if they gave the cure to any of the other wolves. She left so many things open and so many questions unanswered that kind of made me want to scream. But this book was so well written and exceedingly good, that didn't matter much and the novel was still completely enjoyable.
“People shouldn't have to earn kindness. They should have to earn cruelty.”
“There is no better taste than this: someone else’s laughter in your mouth.”
“If I only have ten minutes, Sam, this is what I want to say. You're not the best of us. You're more than that. You're better than all of us. If I only have ten minutes, I would tell you to go out there and live. I'd say...please take your guitar and sing your songs to as many people as you can. Please fold a thousand more of those damn birds of yours. Please kiss that girl a million times.”
“Cole sat back up, slowly, and I opened my eyes. His expression, as ever, was blank, the face he wore when something mattered. He said, "That's how I would kiss you, if I loved you.”
(I took off a half for all the never to be answered questions left at the end.)
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-The Reading Rose
Labels: 4 1/2 star, Fantasy, Forever, Romance, Stiefvater, Wolves of Mercy Falls, YA