Review: Wherwolves
Title: Wherewolves
Author: John Vamvas and Olga Montes
Publisher: Self Published
Genres: YA, Horror, Thriller.
Release Date: February 17th 2013
Pages: 304
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- Best Book Price: £8.02 Kindle Price: £2.05 (as of when posted)
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Goodreads Description:
Using a fun, explosive style, full of new slang and fresh dialogue, WHEREWOLVES is the story of a group of high school seniors, most “military brats”, who are headed for an army-type survival weekend.
The underdogs, Jeffrey and Doris, do not want to go as they fear for their safety among the disdain and cruelty of the popular students. Sergeant Tim O’Sullivan, their teacher, as well as their dysfunctional parents pressure them into going, but it is an unforgivable act by their peers that propels the pair to go. Likewise, Elie, a student resented because of his Arab roots, is even more determined to prove himself this weekend. In the background, a news report cautions of a wanted couple with alleged super-human strength supposedly brought on by a new drug on the streets.
In the woods, the students hike, hunt, camp, and soon act in unity as the forest brings them closer together. But does it? O’Sullivan leaves them alone for the night. The students bond, chant, tell campfire tales, and quickly lose their fears and inhibitions. HOO-AH! Though sexual tensions are high, it soon turns to violence and everything quickly turns sour.
When the kids start disappearing one after the other, the remaining begin to unwittingly “act like the natives” carving spears, ready to face whatever is out there. What has gotten into them?
Amid the blood-curdling growls and the gruesome deaths, the story’s underlying layers are revealed. We see how misconceptions, prejudice, greed, fear, and hatred bring out the worst and best in them.
What is out there? Can it really be werewolves
My Review:
This book is thrilling and fast paced, the type that will have you sitting on the edge of your seat the whole time you are immersed in the novel. I loved the theme of army children and the way that this book reveals some very real problems that these children face in real life every day. It was nice to have a cast of characters where everyone has faults and no one is perfect, this is a very rare thing to come across in the world of books. This novel is very down to earth and realistic and I believe that this is what makes the book so spectacular and believable when the more paranormal elements kick in. There are so many twists to the plot that you never get bored and I have to say that the ending was one of the most thought through and realistic of any horror I have ever read, and one of my favourites. My only down point is that the novel is rather slow to begin and once the action kicks in, it ends too fast, but this only adds to the suspense and build up to that spectacular ending!
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