The Reading Rose
British Bookaholic
Thursday, 30 October 2014
Wednesday, 15 October 2014
Review: A Midsummer Tights Dream
Title: A Midsummer Tights Dream (Misadventures of Tullulah Casey #2)
Author: Louise Rennison
Publisher: Harper Collins
Genres: Comedy, YA/Children's, Romance.
Release Date: February 2nd 2012
Pages: 336
Where Acquired: The Works
Buy at Amazon Here
- Book Price: £2.70 Kindle Price: £2.99 (as of when posted)

Cover From Elsewhere (France):

Goodreads Description:
Wow. This is it. This is me growing up. On my own, going to Performing Arts College. This is good-bye, Tallulah, you long, gangly thing, and helloooooo, Lullah, star of stage.
Tallulah Casey is ready to find her inner artist. And some new mates. And maybe a boy or two or three. She's bound for a performing arts program in the wilds of the Yorkshire Dales--eerily similar to the windswept moors of "Wuthering Heights."
Acting? Tights? Moors? Check, check, check.
Louise Rennison returns with her trademark wit, a hilarious new cast, and a heroine who is poised to discover plenty of opportunities for (mis)adventure.
As always Rennison has delivered us a book of pure comedy. I love the way that Tullulah is related to a popular character in Rennison's old series therefore explaining some of her unusual madness. This book is a quick and easy read but so underrated in being one of the funniest series I have read! Tullulah is completely mad and quirky making for a brilliant protagonist. I am completely on team Cane with this one (Alex is too unappreciative to Tullulah), only marking this book down one star for the lack of romance scenes involving him! We all love a good forbidden romance! The 'Save the school' plot was very interesting and as allways Tullulah's problem with spontanious Irish dancing had me in stiches! A book of pure comedy genius, If you need a laugh look no further.
“Mr. Darcy was in Pride and Prejudice and at first he was all snooty and huffy; then he fell in a lake and came out with his shirt all wet. And then we all loved him. In a swoony way.”
“Heathcliff. The "hero" of Wuthering Heights. Although no one knows why.
He's mean, moody, and possibly a bit on the pongy side. Cathy loves him, though. She shows this by viciously rejecting him and marrying someone else for a laugh. Still, that is true love on the moors for you.”
“I am not an ice cream come! I am a human being!”
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-The Reading Rose
Labels: 5 Star, Children, humour, Rennison, Review, Romance, Tullulah, YA
Message To My Readers
I'm apologising now for my lack of posts!
I have just started university and I am so busy I can't really find time to write!
When I settle in more I should have more time hopefully!
The one I will miss out on the most is my faverite Meme 'Top Ten Tuesday'
I am in from 10am-6pm on a Tuesday, but hopefully soon I will find a way to carry on writing this meme!
Sorry agiain
-The Reading Rose
- Rachel Simson
Labels: To Readers
Wednesday, 1 October 2014
Review: The Goddess Test
Title: The Goddess Test (Goddess Test #1)
Author: Aimee Carter
Publisher: Harlequin Teen
Genres: Fantasy, YA, Romance.
Release Date: April 19th 2011
Pages: 293
Where Acquired: Kindle Store
Buy at Amazon Here
- Kindle Price: £4.41 (as of when posted)

Cover From Elsewhere (English Alternative):

Goodreads Description:
Every girl who had taken the test has died.
Now it's Kate's turn.
It's always been just Kate and her mom - and her mother is dying. Her last wish? To move back to her childhood home. So Kate's going to start at a new school with no friends, no other family and the fear that her mother won't live past the fall.
Then she meets Henry. Dark. Tortured. And mesmerizing. He claims to be Hades, god of the Underworld - and if she accepts his bargain, he'll keep her mother alive while Kate tries to pass seven tests.
Kate is sure he's crazy - until she sees him bring a girl back from the dead. Now saving her mother seems crazily possible. If she succeeds, she'll become Henry's future bride and a goddess.
If she fails...
This book reminded me a little of The Selection by Kiera Cass at first but not so much once I got into the plot a little more. Kate's mum dying was one of the most tear inducing moments I have read in a book for a while as I'm personaly very close to my mum I felt her pain a little more. The Romance with Henry was sweet and beautiful with the tests making the book more exciting. This book had me fooled however, even I couldn't work out what the test were until the end and....
...When all of Kate's friends, staff and mother walked into the room at the end I was completly shocked as It had fooled me!!
The ending was my faverite part and I can't wait to read the next book when Kate returns back to the Underworld to learn how to become a Goddess!
“I care," he said in a trembling voice. "I care so much that I do not know how to tell you without it seeming inconsequential compared to how I feel. Even if I am distant at times and seem as if I do not want to be with you, it is only because this scares me, too.”
“Isn't that what friends do?" It hurt to hear the uncertainty in his voice. "You're my friend Kate, and you're miserable. What could possibly be more important than taking care of you?”

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-The Reading Rose
Labels: 5 Star, Carter, Fantasy, Goddess Test, Harlequin, Romance, YA
Review: The Killables
Title: The Killables (The Killables #1)
Author: Gemma Malley
Publisher: Hodder & Stroughton
Genres: Sci-Fi, YA, Thriller, Fantasy, Dystopian.
Release Date: March 29th 2012
Pages: 372
Where Acquired: Amazon
Buy at Amazon Here
- Book Price: £2.80 Kindle Price: £4.49 (as of when posted)

Cover From Elsewhere (German):

Goodreads Description:
Everyone accepted that people were different physically. But inside? Inside, they were different too. You just had to know how to tell, what to look for. Evil has been eradicated. The City has been established. And citizens may only enter after having the 'evil' part of their brain removed. They are labelled on the System according to how 'good' they are. If they show signs of the evil emerging, they are labelled a K ...But no one knows quite what that means. Only that they disappear, never to be seen again.
It had been a while since I have read a dystopian novel so I thought I would give this book a go. I'm glad I did as it was entracing from the start. The society is well structured and the plot line is extremly clever with the idea that people have had the evil part of their brain removed. The 'good' characters were all very likable except I was more team Lucas than Raffy (Hate love triangles grr...) I can't really tell you much about this book as the majority of it is filled with twists and turns that I want you to find out for yourself! all I can say is that you should go out buy it and read it for yourself!
“Imagination shows an ability to lie, to pretend the world is different than it is.”

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-The Reading Rose
Labels: 5 Star, Dystopian, Fantasy, Hodder, Killables, Malley, Sci-Fi, Thriller, YA
Review: The Rock Star's Daughter
Title: The Rock Star's Daughter (Treadwell Academy #1)
Author: Caitlyn Duffy
Publisher: Lovestruck Literary
Genres: YA, Romance, Contemporary.
Release Date: July 5th 2011
Pages: 319
Where Acquired: Kindle Store
Buy at Amazon Here
- Kindle Price: £0.77 (as of when posted)

Cover From Elsewhere (English Alternative):

Goodreads Description:
At the age of 15, Taylor Beauforte has only met her father twice in person. After all, he is the lead singer of a world-famous rock band, constantly on the cover of music magazines and giving interviews on MTV. He pays for Taylor to attend the Treadwell Academy, a prestigious boarding school in Massachusetts, and provides her mother with monthly checks to cover her basic needs, but has never made much of an effort to play an active part in Taylor’s life. Taylor's mom Dawn is the only family she has ever really known, and because of Dawn's hard-partying Hollywood lifestyle, studious Taylor is happiest on the other side of the country in Massachusetts with her nose buried in a book.
When Taylor 's mom unexpectedly dies the summer before Taylor starts her junior year, she receives a crash course in fame. She has no choice but to join her father and his new family on their summer concert tour before she has even had a chance to mourn the loss of her mother. Life as the daughter of a rock star seems like it would be enviable, but Taylor can't figure her dad out. He seems like a supportive authority figure (even if he's kind of a fashion tragedy) , but she is collecting a growing pile of evidence that he's a liar and a cheat. Her stepmother, Jill, can’t seem to decide if she wants to treat Taylor like a girlfriend or a nuisance. Having had no time to grieve and say goodbye to her childhood before being thrust into the limelight, Taylor is suddenly finding herself in situations she could have never imagined before this summer.
With no one else to turn to, Taylor falls head over heels in love with Jake, the teenage son of one of the band's touring groupies. Taylor has growing concerns about Jake's background and the suspicious relationship between his mom and her own father, but is desperate for something real in her life onto which she can build a future. When Jake offers Taylor an opportunity to join him on a whirlwind adventure and leave her problems with her father far behind, Taylor has to decide – should she carve out her own way in the world, or try to repair the relationship she has with her only living parent?
Over the course of the summer with the band, Taylor learns the depths of her own strength, the difficulty of overcoming loss, and that the definition of family means much more than shared bloodlines.
This book covered many difficult issues. When I bought it in the kindle store just to fill my new kindle with a few books I thought it would be a fast paced, soppy, romance teen book but how wrong was I? This book was dark and full of drama and heartbreaking scenes which made it one incredible treasure for it's price. This book clearly goes along with the rule that you cant judge a book by it's cover. Taylor's mum's death was sob worthy and you could feel the pain along with her and her agony of having to stay with near enough strangers for the rest of her teenage life. At first I disliked her new stepmother but slowly she grew in Taylor's eyes - and therefore my own - to be a lovely, kind, smart motherly figure. This was a stark contrast to her real father who at first in mine and Taylor's eyes was a lovely, caring, fatherly figure who turned out to be a womanising, drunk aggressive. This theme of Taylor's first impressions of someone and their real self being revealed at the end carried on through the whole of her new life circling not just her new family but her love life and her friends as well. This book is well worth reading if you enjoy a dramatic, contempory YA novel. I just took one star off for the fact that sometimes Taylor threw tantrums that were totally unreasonable!
“It struck me as funny that she was on the other side of the world having the exact same realization as I was: that parents aren't any better at making decisions that kids.”
“As far as boys went, I would have probably attracted more attention from the male species if I were a skateboard. ”

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-The Reading Rose
Labels: 4 Star, Contemporary, Duffy, Lovestruck Literary, Romance, Treadwell Academy, YA